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Decoupling Modules with Services

In Java it is common to model APIs as interfaces (or sometimes abstract classes) and then pick the best implementation given the circumstances. Ideally, the consumer of the API is completely decoupled from the implementations, meaning there is no direct dependency between them. Java's service loader API allows to apply this approach to JARs (modular or not) and the module system integrates it as a first-class concept with uses and provides directives in the module declaration.

Note: You need to know the module system basics to get the most out of this article.

Services in the Java Module System

Exemplifying the Problem

Let's start with an example that uses these three types in three modules:

  • class Main in
  • interface Service in com.example.api
  • class Implementation (implements Service) in com.example.impl

Main wants to use Service but needs to create Implementation to get an instance:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Service service = new Implementation();

    private static void use(Service service) {
        // ...


This leads to the following module declarations:

module com.example.api {
    exports com.example.api;

module com.example.impl {
    requires com.example.api;
    exports com.example.impl;

module {
    // dependency on the API: ✅
    requires com.example.api;
    // dependency on the implementation: ⚠️
    requires com.example.impl;

As you can see, the challenge of using interfaces to decouple user and provider of an API is that at some point a specific implementation has to be instantiated. If that happens as a regular constructor call (as in Main), it creates a dependency on the implementation and thus a dependency between the two modules. This is what services solve.

Service Locator Pattern as Solution

Java solves this problem by implementing the the service locator pattern with the class ServiceLoader acting as the central registry. Here's how it works.

A service is an accessible type (doesn't have to be an interface; abstract and even concrete classes work as well) that one module wants to use and another module provides an instance of:

  • The module consuming the service has to express its requirement with a uses $SERVICE directive in its module descriptor, where $SERVICE is the fully qualified name of the service type.
  • The module providing the service has to express its offer with a provides $SERVICE with $PROVIDER directive, where $SERVICE is the same type as in the uses directive and $PROVIDER the fully qualified name of another class, which is...
    • either a concrete class that extends or implements $SERVICE and has a public, parameterless constructor (called a provider constructor)
    • or an arbitrary type with a public, static, parameterless method provide that returns a type that extends or implements $SERVICE (called a provider method)

At run time, the depending module can use the ServiceLoader class to get all provided implementations of a service by calling ServiceLoader.load($SERVICE.class). The module system will then return a ServiceLoader<$SERVICE> that you can use in various ways to get access to the service providers. The Javadoc of ServiceLoader goes into detail on that (and, in fact, everything else service-related).

Exemplifying the Solution

Here's how the three classes and modules we examined earlier can use services. We start with the module declarations:

module com.example.api {
    exports com.example.api;

module com.example.impl {
    requires com.example.api;

    provides com.example.api.Service
        with com.example.impl.Implementation;

module {
    requires com.example.api;

    uses com.example.api.Service;

Note that no longer requires com.example.impl. Instead it declares that it uses Service and com.example.impl declares that it provides it with Implementation. Furthermore, com.example.impl no longer exports the com.example.impl package. The service loader does not demand the service implementation to be accessible outside the module and if no other class in that package needs to be, we can stop exporting it. This is an added bonus of services because it can reduce the API surface of a module.

Here's how Main can get an implementation of Service:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Service service = ServiceLoader

    private static void use(Service service) {
        // ...


Some JDK Services

The JDK itself uses services as well. For example, the java.sql module, which contains the JDBC API, uses java.sql.Driver as a service:

module java.sql {
    // requires...
    // exports...
    uses java.sql.Driver;

This also showcases that a module can use one of its own types as a service.

Another exemplary use of services in the JDK is java.lang.System.LoggerFinder. This is part of an API that allows users to pipe the JDK's log messages (not the runtime's!) into the logging framework of their choice (say, Log4J or Logback). Simply put, instead of writing to standard out, the JDK uses a LoggerFinder to create Logger instances and then logs all messages with them. And since it uses LoggerFinder as a service, logging frameworks can provide implementations of it.

module com.example.logger {
    // `LoggerFinder` is the service interface
    provides java.lang.System.LoggerFinder
        with com.example.logger.ExLoggerFinder;

public class ExLoggerFinder implements System.LoggerFinder {

    // `ExLoggerFinder` must have a parameterless constructor

    public Logger getLogger(String name, Module module) {
        // `ExLogger` must implement `Logger`
        return new ExLogger(name, module);


Services During Module Resolution

If you've ever started a simple modular application with the command line option --show-module-resolution and observed what exactly the module system is doing, you might have been surprised by the number of platform modules that are resolved. With a simple enough application the only platform modules should be java.base and maybe one or two more, so why are there so many others? Services are the answer.

Remember from the module system basics that only modules that make it into the graph during module resolution are available at run time. To make sure that's the case for all providers of a service, the resolution process takes uses and provides directives into account. So beyond tracking down dependencies, once it resolves a module that uses a service, it also adds all modules to the graph that provide that service. This process is called service binding.

Last update: September 14, 2021

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Decoupling Modules with Services

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