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Implementing the Collector Interface


Why Would You Implement the Collector Interface?

There are three ways to create your own collector.

We examined a first one in this tutorial. It consists of combining existing collectors with the different mechanisms offered by the Collectors factory class, namely passing a collector as a downstream collector to another collector or using a finisher with the collectingAndThen() collector.

You can also call the collect() method that takes the three elements upon which a collector is built. These methods are available on both the streams of primitive types and the stream of objects. They take the three arguments we presented in the previous sections.

  1. The supplier used to create the mutable container in which the elements of the stream are accumulated.
  2. The accumulator, modeled by a biconsumer.
  3. The combiner, also modeled by a bi-consumer, used to combine two partially filled containers, used in the case of parallel streams.

The third way consists in implementing the Collector interface yourself, and pass your implementation to the collect() method we already covered. Implementing your own collector gives you maximum flexibility, but it is also more technical.


Understanding the Parameter Types of Collector

Let us examine the parameters of this interface.

Let us first examine the following types: T and R.

The first type is T, and it corresponds to the type of the elements of the stream this collector is processing.

The last type is R, and it is the type produced by this collector.

For the toList() collector, called on an instance of Stream, the type R would be List<T>. It would be Set<T> for the toSet() collector.

The groupingBy() method takes a function to compute the keys of the returned map. If you are collecting a Stream with this collector, then you need to pass a function that can map instances of T. It can map them to any instance of type K to create the keys of the map. So the type of the resulting map will be Map<K, List<T>>. So the type R is just this one: Map<K, List<T>>.

The type A is more complex to handle. You may have tried to use your IDE to store one of the collectors you created in the previous examples. If you did that, you probably realized that your IDE did not give an explicit value for this type. This is the case for the following examples.

Running the previous code prints the following.

Size of list = 11
Size of set = 11
Size of map = 4

For all these collectors, the second parameter type is just ?.

If you need to implement the Collector interface, then you will have to give an explicit value to A. The type A is the type of the intermediate mutable container used by this collector. For the toList() collector it would be ArrayList, and for the toSet() collector it would be HashSet. It turns out that this A type is hidden by the returned type declared by the toList() factory method, which is the reason why you cannot replace the ? type with ArrayList<T> in the previous example.

Even if the internal mutable container is directly returned by the implementation, it may happen that the types A and R are different. For instance, in the case of the toList() collector, you could implement the Collector<T, A, R> interface by fixing ArrayList<T> for A and List<T> for R.


Understanding the Characteristics of a Collector

A collector defines internal characteristics that are used by the stream implementation to optimize the use of this collector.

There are three characteristics.

  1. The IDENTITY_FINISH characteristic indicates that the finisher of this collector is the identity function. The implementation will not call the finisher for a collector with this characteristic.
  2. The UNORDERED characteristic indicates that this collector does not preserve the order in which it processes the elements of the stream. This is the case for the toSet() collector, which has this characteristic. The toList() collector, on the other hand, does not have it.
  3. The CONCURRENT characteristic indicates that the container in which the accumulator stores the processed elements supports concurrent access. This point is important for parallel streams.

These characteristics are defined in the Collector.Characteristics enumeration and are returned in a set by the characteristics() method defined on the Collector interface.


Implementing the toList() and toSet() Collector

With these elements, you can now recreate an implementation of a collector that works like the toList() collector.

This code prints out the following result.

result = [one, two, three, four, five]

Implementing a collector that works like the toSet() collector would need only two modifications.


Implementing the joining() Collector

Recreating the implementation of this collector is interesting because it only operates on strings, and its finisher is not the identity function.

This collector accumulates the strings it processes in an instance of StringBuffer and then calls the toString() method on this accumulator to produce the final result.

The set of characteristics is empty for this collector. It does preserve the order in which the elements are processed (so no UNORDERED characteristics), its finisher is not the identity function, and it cannot be used concurrently.

Let us see how this collector could be implemented.

Running this code produces the following result.

result = onetwothreefourfive

Supporting a delimiter, a prefix, and a suffix would use a StringJoiner instead of a StringBuilder, which already supports these elements.

Last update: September 14, 2021

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Implementing the Collector Interface
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