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Handling Map Values with Lambda Expressions

Handling Map Values with Lambda Expressions


Consuming the Content of a Map

The Map interface has a forEach() method that works in the same way as the forEach() method on the Iterable interface. The difference is that this forEach() method takes a BiConsumer as an argument instead of a simple Consumer.

Let us create a simple map and print out its content.

Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(1, "one");
map.put(2, "two");
map.put(3, "three");

map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " :: " + value));

This code produces the following result:

1 :: one
2 :: two
3 :: three


Replacing Values

The Map interface gives you three methods to replace a value bound to a key with another value.

The first one is replace(key, value), which replaces the existing value with the new one, blindly. This is the equivalent of a put-if-present operation. This method returns the value that was removed from your map.

If you need finer control, then you can use an overload of this method, which takes the existing value as an argument: replace(key, existingValue, newValue). In this case, the existing value is replaced only if it matches the new value. This method returns true if the replacement occurred.

The Map interface has also a method to replace all the values of your map using a BiFunction. This BiFunction is a remapping function, which takes the key and the value as arguments, and returns a new value, which will replace the existing value. A call to this method iterates internally on all the key/value pairs of your map.

The following example shows how you can use this replaceAll() method:

Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();

map.put(1, "one");
map.put(2, "two");
map.put(3, "three");

map.replaceAll((key, value) -> value.toUpperCase());
map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " :: " + value));

Running this code produces the following result:

1 :: ONE
2 :: TWO
3 :: THREE


Computing Values

The Map interface gives you a third pattern to add key-value pairs to a map or modify a map's existing values in the form of three methods: compute(), computeIfPresent(), and computeIfAbsent().

These three methods take the following arguments:

In the case of compute(), the remapping bi-function is called with two arguments. The first one is the key, and the second one is the existing value if there is one, or null if there is none. Your remapping bifunction can be called with a null value.

For computeIfPresent(), the remapping function is called if there is a value bound to that key and if it is not null. If the key is bound to a null value, then the remapping function is not called. Your remapping function cannot be called with a null value.

For computeIfAbsent(), beacause there is no value bound to that key, the remapping function is in fact a simple Function that takes the key as an argument. This function is called if the key is not present in the map or if it is bound to a null value.

In all cases, if your bifunction (or function) returns a null value, then the key is removed from the map: no mapping is created for that key. No key/value pair with a null value can be put in the map using one of these three methods.

In all cases, the value returned is the new value bound to that key in the map or null if the remapping function returned null. It is worth pointing out that this semantic is different from the put() methods. The put() methods return the previous value, whereas the compute() methods return the new value.

A very interesting use case for the computeIfAbsent() method is the creation of maps with lists as values. Suppose you have the following list of strings: [one two three four five six seven]. You need to create a map, where the keys are the length of the words of that list, and the values are the lists of these words. What you need to create is the following map:

3 :: [one, two, six]
4 :: [four, five]
5 :: [three, seven]

Without the compute() methods, you would probably write this:

List<String> strings = List.of("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven");
Map<Integer, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String word: strings) {
    int length = word.length();
    if (!map.containsKey(length)) {
        map.put(length, new ArrayList<>());

map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " :: " + value));

Running this code produces the expected result:

3 :: [one, two, six]
4 :: [four, five]
5 :: [three, seven]

By the way, you could use a putIfAbsent() to simplify this for loop:

for (String word: strings) {
    int length = word.length();
    map.putIfAbsent(length, new ArrayList<>());

But using computeIfAbsent() can make this code even better:

for (String word: strings) {
    int length = word.length();
    map.computeIfAbsent(length, key -> new ArrayList<>())

How does this code work?

  • If the key is not in the map, then the mapping function is called, which creates an empty list. This list is returned by the computeIfAbsent() method. This is the empty list in which the code adds word.
  • If the key is in the map, the mapping function is not called, and the current value bound to that key is returned. This is the partially filled list in which you need to add word.

This code is much more efficient than the putIfAbsent() one, mostly because in that case, the empty list is created only if needed. The putIfAbsent() call requires an existing empty list, which is used only if the key is not in the map. In cases where the object you add to the map has to be created on demand, then using computeIfAbsent() should be preferred over putIfAbsent().


Merging Values

The computeIfAbsent() pattern works well if your map has values that are aggregations of other values. But there is a restriction on the structure that is supporting this aggregation: it has to be mutable. This is the case for ArrayList, and this is what the code you wrote does: it adds your values to an ArrayList.

Instead of creating lists of words, suppose you need to create a concatenation of words. The String class is seen here as an aggregation of other strings, but it is not a mutable container: you cannot use the computeIfAbsent() pattern to do that.

This is where the merge() pattern comes to the rescue. The merge() method takes three arguments:

  • a key
  • a value, that you need to bind to that key
  • a remapping BiFunction.

If the key is not in the map or bound to a null value, then the value is bound to that key. The remapping function is not called in this case.

On the contrary, if the key is already bound to a non-null value, then the remapping function is called with the existing value, and the new value passed as an argument. If this remapping function returns null, then the key is removed from the map. The value it produces is bound to that key otherwise.

You can see this merge() pattern in action on the following example:

List<String> strings = List.of("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven");
Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String word: strings) {
    int length = word.length();
    map.merge(length, word, 
              (existingValue, newWord) -> existingValue + ", " + newWord);

map.forEach((key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " :: " + value));

In this case, if the length key is not in the map, then the merge() call just adds it and binds it to word. On the other hand, if the length key is already in the map, then the bifunction is called with the existing value and word. The result of the bifunction then replaces the current value.

Running this code produces the following result:

3 :: one, two, six
4 :: four, five
5 :: three, seven

In both patterns, computeIfAbsent() and merge(), you may be wondering why the lambda created takes an argument that is always available in the context of this lambda, and that could be captured from that context. The answer is: you should favor non-capturing lambdas over capturing ones, for performance reasons.

Last update: September 14, 2021

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