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Oracle University

Almost 1 million developers have successfully taken the Java certification exam. Oracle University continues to offer Java training and certification to help you future-proof your career.

Free Java Training

Oracle offers 15 free modules to learn Java programming basics such as variables, classes, objects, loops, arrays, and decision constructs. Upon completion of the assessment exam, developers will earn a digital Oracle Java Explorer Badge to post on your professional profile

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Java SE Certification

Drive your Java developer career forward by completing the Java SE Certification. By passing the required exam, a certified individual proves tremendous fluency in Java SE and acquisition of the valuable professional skills required to be a Java software developer. This includes a deep understanding of object-orientation, functional programming through lambda expressions and streams, and modularity.

Candidates who hold this certification have demonstrated proficiency in Java (Standard Edition) software development recognized by a wide range of world-wide industries. They have also exhibited thorough and broad knowledge of the Java programming language, coding practices and utilization of new features incorporated into modern versions of Java.

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Java Learning Subscription

Simplify your Java learning experience by signing up for a Java Learning Subscription, which offers a full range training paths offered through Oracle University.

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