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The Monitoring Tools

You use Java Virtual Machine (JVM) monitoring tools and commands to monitor and manage Java applications and the JVM. The following sections describe the JDK tools and commands used to monitor and manage Java applications and the JVM.

  1. Jfr - Parse and Print Flight Recorder Files

    Parse and print Flight Recorder files.

  2. Jconsole - the Graphical Monitor of Your Application

    Start a graphical console to monitor and manage Java applications.

  3. Jps - Listing your Instrumented JVMs

    List the instrumented JVMs on the target system.

  4. Jstat - Monitoring your JVMs Statistics

    Monitor JVM statistics.

  5. Jstatd - Monitoring the Creation and Termination of Your JVMs

    Monitor the creation and termination of instrumented Java HotSpot VMs.

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