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Classes and Objects

This part of the tutorial covers the basics of class definition, object creation, nesting classes, enumerations, declaring member variables, methods, and constructors.

  1. Creating Classes

    Syntax to create and initialize primitive type variables.

  2. Defining Methods

    Adding methods to a class definition.

  3. Providing Constructors for your Classes

    Providing Constructors for your Classes.

  4. Calling Methods and Constructors

    How to pass information to a method or a constructor.

  5. Creating and Using Objects

    How to create and use objects efficiently.

  6. More on Classes

    Understanding the dot operator, the this keyword and access control.

  7. Nested Classes

    Defining a class within another class.

  8. Enums

    Working with enums.

  9. When to Use Nested Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, and Lambda Expressions

    When to Use Nested Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, and Lambda Expressions.

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